096.365 ~ . sometimes the closer you get, the farther away you feel.

just.K posted a photo:

096.365 ~ . sometimes the closer you get, the farther away you feel.

This seems morose.
I’m really not unhappy today.
Beat. Tired. Worn out. Thoughtful. Not unhappy.

TRP ~ me and my camera

I spent a good half hour just fucking with mirror shots. I’ve come to the conclusion I am not a diligent photographer, for one out of every 25 photos comes out focused.
I kind of liked the filmy, blurred feel to this one.
So I don’t really care if you do or not.
But I’m posting a few random outtakes in my comments….just for kicks.


Random Fact du jour: I have also come to the conclusion that you have no control over feelings.
Even if you are hell bent on feeling something/not feeling something….really, you’re at the mercy of your instincts. Your basic human traits.
Maybe we don’t choose anything. Just follow ourselves on the path it’s already decided on.

Or maybe I’m just being sordid over the headache that was my afternoon…..hard to tell. 🙂

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